【free teen patti game play】Ganlan building: distinctive housing facility for local Zhuang ethnic minority group in S China
An aerial drone photo taken on July 31,free teen patti game play 2024 shows a view of Ganlan buildings in Pingliu Village of Longlin County in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Pingliu Village, spanning a history of over 200 years, is a Zhuang ethnic-minority hamlet that borders neighboring provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou. Among the well preserved traditions and costumes of the local Zhuang ethnic minority group, the local housing facility, Ganlan building, a stilt wood-structured residential architecture, is most distinctive.
Supported by wooden columns, the buildings are usually built in three stories with slope roofs. The ground floor is mainly served as livestock sheds, while the second floor and above are for family living and grain storage respectively. High above the ground, the Ganlan buildings help prevent humidity, increase ventilation and bring lights in people's living space. (Xinhua/Zhou Hua)
A villager shows rice stored on the top floor of his wooden Ganlan building in Pingliu Village of Longlin County in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, July 31, 2024. Pingliu Village, spanning a history of over 200 years, is a Zhuang ethnic-minority hamlet that borders neighboring provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou. Among the well preserved traditions and costumes of the local Zhuang ethnic minority group, the local housing facility, Ganlan building, a stilt wood-structured residential architecture, is most distinctive.
Supported by wooden columns, the buildings are usually built in three stories with slope roofs. The ground floor is mainly served as livestock sheds, while the second floor and above are for family living and grain storage respectively. High above the ground, the Ganlan buildings help prevent humidity, increase ventilation and bring lights in people's living space. (Xinhua/Zhou Hua)
A villager does needlework inside her wooden Ganlan building in Pingliu Village of Longlin County in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, July 31, 2024. Pingliu Village, spanning a history of over 200 years, is a Zhuang ethnic-minority hamlet that borders neighboring provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou. Among the well preserved traditions and costumes of the local Zhuang ethnic minority group, the local housing facility, Ganlan building, a stilt wood-structured residential architecture, is most distinctive.
Supported by wooden columns, the buildings are usually built in three stories with slope roofs. The ground floor is mainly served as livestock sheds, while the second floor and above are for family living and grain storage respectively. High above the ground, the Ganlan buildings help prevent humidity, increase ventilation and bring lights in people's living space. (Xinhua/Zhou Hua)
A villager washes hands in front of his wooden Ganlan building in Pingliu Village of Longlin County in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, July 31, 2024. Pingliu Village, spanning a history of over 200 years, is a Zhuang ethnic-minority hamlet that borders neighboring provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou. Among the well preserved traditions and costumes of the local Zhuang ethnic minority group, the local housing facility, Ganlan building, a stilt wood-structured residential architecture, is most distinctive.
Supported by wooden columns, the buildings are usually built in three stories with slope roofs. The ground floor is mainly served as livestock sheds, while the second floor and above are for family living and grain storage respectively. High above the ground, the Ganlan buildings help prevent humidity, increase ventilation and bring lights in people's living space. (Xinhua/Zhou Hua)
A villager sits on the doorsill of his wooden Ganlan building in Pingliu Village of Longlin County in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, July 31, 2024. Pingliu Village, spanning a history of over 200 years, is a Zhuang ethnic-minority hamlet that borders neighboring provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou. Among the well preserved traditions and costumes of the local Zhuang ethnic minority group, the local housing facility, Ganlan building, a stilt wood-structured residential architecture, is most distinctive.
Supported by wooden columns, the buildings are usually built in three stories with slope roofs. The ground floor is mainly served as livestock sheds, while the second floor and above are for family living and grain storage respectively. High above the ground, the Ganlan buildings help prevent humidity, increase ventilation and bring lights in people's living space. (Xinhua/Zhou Hua)
A herd of goats are seen in Pingliu Village of Longlin County in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, July 31, 2024. Pingliu Village, spanning a history of over 200 years, is a Zhuang ethnic-minority hamlet that borders neighboring provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou. Among the well preserved traditions and costumes of the local Zhuang ethnic minority group, the local housing facility, Ganlan building, a stilt wood-structured residential architecture, is most distinctive.
Supported by wooden columns, the buildings are usually built in three stories with slope roofs. The ground floor is mainly served as livestock sheds, while the second floor and above are for family living and grain storage respectively. High above the ground, the Ganlan buildings help prevent humidity, increase ventilation and bring lights in people's living space. (Xinhua/Zhou Hua)
An aerial drone photo taken on July 31, 2024 shows two kids playing on a Ganlan building in Pingliu Village of Longlin County in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Pingliu Village, spanning a history of over 200 years, is a Zhuang ethnic-minority hamlet that borders neighboring provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou. Among the well preserved traditions and costumes of the local Zhuang ethnic minority group, the local housing facility, Ganlan building, a stilt wood-structured residential architecture, is most distinctive.
Supported by wooden columns, the buildings are usually built in three stories with slope roofs. The ground floor is mainly served as livestock sheds, while the second floor and above are for family living and grain storage respectively. High above the ground, the Ganlan buildings help prevent humidity, increase ventilation and bring lights in people's living space. (Xinhua/Zhou Hua)
Ganlan buildings are pictured in Pingliu Village of Longlin County in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, July 31, 2024. Pingliu Village, spanning a history of over 200 years, is a Zhuang ethnic-minority hamlet that borders neighboring provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou. Among the well preserved traditions and costumes of the local Zhuang ethnic minority group, the local housing facility, Ganlan building, a stilt wood-structured residential architecture, is most distinctive.
Supported by wooden columns, the buildings are usually built in three stories with slope roofs. The ground floor is mainly served as livestock sheds, while the second floor and above are for family living and grain storage respectively. High above the ground, the Ganlan buildings help prevent humidity, increase ventilation and bring lights in people's living space. (Xinhua/Zhou Hua)
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