【teen patti gold rexdl.com】Dike breach sealed in China's Liaoning
Rescuers transport building materials to reinforce a newly repaired dike in Tieling,teen patti gold rexdl.com northeast China's Liaoning Province, Aug. 7, 2024. The dike breach at a river in northeast China's Liaoning Province was sealed at 4:27 a.m. Wednesday after emergency workers had worked around the clock to repair it, according to local authorities. Sun Huaijun, deputy director of the city's water resources bureau, said that over 130 emergency vehicles had been sent and more than 10,000 cubic meters of materials had been used to repair the dike. No casualties have been reported, Sun added. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)
SHENYANG, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) -- The dike breach at a river in northeast China's Liaoning Province was sealed at 4:27 a.m. Wednesday after rescuers had worked around the clock to repair it, according to local authorities.
The dike breach, measuring 18.6 meters in length, occurred on Tuesday at the Wanghe River, a tributary of the Liaohe River, near Fanjiawopeng Village in the city of Tieling, due to rising water levels caused by continuous heavy rains.
Sun Huaijun, deputy director of the city's water resources bureau, said that over 130 emergency vehicles had been sent and more than 10,000 cubic meters of materials had been used to repair the dike.
No casualties have been reported, Sun added.
This aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 7, 2024 shows emergency workers transporting building materials to reinforce a newly repaired dike in Tieling, northeast China's Liaoning Province.
The dike breach at a river in northeast China's Liaoning Province was sealed at 4:27 a.m. Wednesday after emergency workers had worked around the clock to repair it, according to local authorities.
Sun Huaijun, deputy director of the city's water resources bureau, said that over 130 emergency vehicles had been sent and more than 10,000 cubic meters of materials had been used to repair the dike.
No casualties have been reported, Sun added. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)
This aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 7, 2024 shows emergency workers transporting building materials to reinforce a newly repaired dike in Tieling, northeast China's Liaoning Province.
The dike breach at a river in northeast China's Liaoning Province was sealed at 4:27 a.m. Wednesday after emergency workers had worked around the clock to repair it, according to local authorities.
Sun Huaijun, deputy director of the city's water resources bureau, said that over 130 emergency vehicles had been sent and more than 10,000 cubic meters of materials had been used to repair the dike.
No casualties have been reported, Sun added. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)
This aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 7, 2024 shows emergency workers reinforcing a newly repaired dike in Tieling, northeast China's Liaoning Province.
The dike breach at a river in northeast China's Liaoning Province was sealed at 4:27 a.m. Wednesday after emergency workers had worked around the clock to repair it, according to local authorities.
Sun Huaijun, deputy director of the city's water resources bureau, said that over 130 emergency vehicles had been sent and more than 10,000 cubic meters of materials had been used to repair the dike.
No casualties have been reported, Sun added. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)
This aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 7, 2024 shows emergency workers attempting to seal a dike breach in Tieling, northeast China's Liaoning Province.
The dike breach at a river in northeast China's Liaoning Province was sealed at 4:27 a.m. Wednesday after emergency workers had worked around the clock to repair it, according to local authorities.
Sun Huaijun, deputy director of the city's water resources bureau, said that over 130 emergency vehicles had been sent and more than 10,000 cubic meters of materials had been used to repair the dike.
No casualties have been reported, Sun added. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)
This aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 7, 2024 shows emergency workers attempting to seal a dike breach in Tieling, northeast China's Liaoning Province.
The dike breach at a river in northeast China's Liaoning Province was sealed at 4:27 a.m. Wednesday after emergency workers had worked around the clock to repair it, according to local authorities.
Sun Huaijun, deputy director of the city's water resources bureau, said that over 130 emergency vehicles had been sent and more than 10,000 cubic meters of materials had been used to repair the dike.
No casualties have been reported, Sun added. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)
This aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 7, 2024 shows emergency workers reinforcing a newly repaired dike in Tieling, northeast China's Liaoning Province.
The dike breach at a river in northeast China's Liaoning Province was sealed at 4:27 a.m. Wednesday after emergency workers had worked around the clock to repair it, according to local authorities.
Sun Huaijun, deputy director of the city's water resources bureau, said that over 130 emergency vehicles had been sent and more than 10,000 cubic meters of materials had been used to repair the dike.
No casualties have been reported, Sun added. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)
This aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 7, 2024 shows emergency workers reinforcing a newly repaired dike in Tieling, northeast China's Liaoning Province.
The dike breach at a river in northeast China's Liaoning Province was sealed at 4:27 a.m. Wednesday after emergency workers had worked around the clock to repair it, according to local authorities.
Sun Huaijun, deputy director of the city's water resources bureau, said that over 130 emergency vehicles had been sent and more than 10,000 cubic meters of materials had been used to repair the dike.
No casualties have been reported, Sun added. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)
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